If you know me at all then you know I love to keep busy. Almost too busy at times! Which is why it has felt like an eternity since I have updated this blog. So many things are happening these days with both life and business, I thought it was time for an update.

We’re halfway through the year (can you believe it?) so for any business owner a natural time to reflect on the ups and downs of life over the last several months.
For me, it’s been a lot of big changes, with more coming and all welcomed with open arms.

First, you’ll notice this website looks a little different. I’m right in the middle of a rebrand and so excited to roll out the final result! My new logo was a process, even for me, someone with an entire career of branding experience. Personal branding is my THING and even I had a hard time finding a good direction and color palette to represent this business. Pink made me hesitate at first, but after working with my designer Jen from Little Cloud Designs, we both came up with a color palette that is both feminine and fun. Here is a sample of my mood board created just for the logo development:

Andrea Genevieve Mood Board


And the final logo and color palette.

Andrea Genevieve Branding Board

A tip: hire someone who gets you, when it comes to logo development. Don’t stress about cost, this is one of the most essential parts of your business so save up. It’s the foundation from which the rest of your voice, vision, and visuals stem, so take the time to vet through people and find the best fit. Graphic design can be a range of prices too but look at it as an investment, not a cost. I was lucky enough to meet Jen through one of my favorite people, Ellie Brett of Media Bombshell at her SPARK workshop in January. Jen has been amazing to work with and she even developed this fun icon series for me as well:

Andrea Genevieve branding icons


In the next month, I’ll be launching a brand new website complete with freebies, downloadable workbooks, mini-courses, details on in-person workshops and eventually online courses all geared toward helping creative female business owners. You’ll especially appreciate these new tools if you’re a mom business owner, since I’m all about working smarter and not harder when it comes to owning a business these days.

I’ve realized over the past year that when it comes to finding balance with life and business, you have to work at it. For me, it’s about really utilizing pockets of time to move projects and passions forward with the help of others.

My virtual assistant actually proofread this post and helped me post it to social media. Two years ago I would have laughed at the idea of hiring someone to take on tasks I could handle myself. But honestly, the second you get over that fear of letting go and find trustworthy partners, your business will soar. At least it made me feel 10lbs lighter, literally!

This month in life news we are welcoming our third child into the world and I couldn’t be more excited! A new little bebe AND a refreshed website. The solar eclipse takes place on August 21st, right around my due date and with it comes rebirth, new life, and letting go of things that no longer serve a purpose. It seems fitting that both my real baby and business baby should coincide with that powerful event.

So, with the second half of 2017 left in front of us, what’s next? Expect to see this blog resurrected! I have some great posts in the pipeline to share with the virtual world. You may also see some audio content coming to the Resources section of my website as well. With a new baby it’s going to be hard to launch a full-out podcast, but I have some new tools I’m playing around with when it comes to audio. I’m LOVING the interview format these days as a mom-on-the-go, and think this could be an exciting new space!

Stay tuned and don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter the Small Business A-List here to get notified when a new blog post publishes or inside info on freebies and workshops.

I would love to hear from you! How has the first half of 2017 gone for you? What is one personal and one business goal you would like to accomplish before 2017 is over?