You know that feeling you get when you really want something, you can almost picture it? Like a day dream, except much more real?

Well there have been certain times in life when that happens and then the dream becomes a reality. Does that ever happen to you?

Now, I don’t know if it’s intuition or karma, or maybe I’m just psychic.

But throughout my life, certain things I’ve wanted SO badly, actually happen. For example speaking at my college graduation ceremony, moving to Austin or visiting my ancestral homeland of Poland.

I believed I was capable and I believed in myself. I believed and it came true. 


This week it happened again. On Thursday I received this email:

“Dear Andrea,

Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to participate in Leadership Austin’s 2013 EMERGE Program. We are excited to present this curriculum, and look forward to the opportunity to facilitate collaboration among Austin’s young professional leaders.”

I barely finished reading the words before I was texting and calling my family to tell them the news.

Leadership Austin is something I’ve wanted to do for three years now and this time I made the cut. I made it because I believed it was the right time and because I believed in myself. Part confidence and part conviction.

Applications were due about a month ago and I simply filled out my bio, composed a few essays, attached my lovely current headshot and hit ‘submit’ without thinking twice.

Deep down I KNEW this was my time… I believed it to be true and I secretly knew I would be part of the 2013 class. It may seem silly or spiritually woo-woo, but there’s a lot to be said for believing in yourself!

While I didn’t stress over my essays, it was important to me that they reflect true feelings and not just canned responses. So, I thought I would share the one essay response that I was most nervous about, because it made me feel really vulnerable.

But at the end of the day, it’s my truth and I wanted to share:

Q: Choose one current regional community issue and describe your personal interest in it. How do you see yourself making an impact?

I’m going to be honest, I have a lot of personal interests. I find it difficult to lump myself into one particular bucket when asked this question, especially since I am an entrepreneur and work a full-time job in the corporate world. In one area I get to see how groups of individuals impact an overall business, and in the other I get to connect with like-minded driven individuals building the next economy.

First and foremost I am passionate about building a loving family and raising intelligent, respectful children. If you would have asked me this question a year ago, I would have had a totally different response. When I found out I was having my son, I wasn’t sure I would enjoy being a mom.
I was really scared.
I work in the tech industry, which is uncommon for a female and I love my job and building my career. Although, now that it’s been a year, 365 days of constant juggling and balance, I know I was meant to do both. I’m a mom and a career woman and always will be.

For me, because I live what seems like a dual life everyday, I want to help more women understand their choices and know that you can have your dream and still be a good mother. I’m not exactly sure how I can make a difference here in Austin, but I know if there’s a will there’s a way! One of my top strengths according to the Strengths Finder assessment (this is required for my job, we talk about strengths a lot) is Significance and Command. It basically means if I have the right tools and people, I will be in the position to help do something great!

As a new parent, I’m also very interested in the local education system in Austin. For example, the STEM, or STEAM movement. Through our Rack Gives Back giving program at Rackspace we sponsor a number of events to support local schools and STEAM initiatives. While I don’t know much about current activities in the Austin region, I hope to become part of the conversation. And although my son is very young, I can see myself making an impact and advocating the STEAM movement through the help of my employer and personal interest in art and design.

What do you think?

Like I said, becoming a mom totally changed my outlook on life and my career. But, I still have dreams and hopes and huge aspirations for myself.

I want people to know that.

Just because I have a son who I love more than life, doesn’t mean all my own personal interests vanished. Becoming part of Leadership Austin is one of the many things I hope to do while being an awesome mom.

It’s an honor and I can’t wait to meet the other movers and shakers of Austin.

Photo uploaded to Flickr Creative Commons.